
What benefit is there to believe in global warming?

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What benefit is there to believe in global warming?




  1. Our kids and grandkids will get to enjoy the beautiful earth

  2. watch the movie Soylent Green . 1973 charlton heston , edward g. robinson in his last movie role .

  3. There are too many uncertainities about global warming to justify the kinds of changes that many are proposing.  How much is man's fault?  How much will the temperature change?  And what will be the actual consequences of it?  And many say that there is too much to lose not to fight it.  But these people ignore how much we will lose if we do fight it.  It isn't just money we are talking about, although that is a genuine issue.  Kyoto, for example would have severely hurt economies, all to lower the temperature by much less than a degree.  And further, what about developing countries?  Fossil fuels could greatly help these countries industrialize, leading to better access to food and medicines, saving millions of lives.  And finally, any money we put into global warming could be put into fighting hunger and disease around the world, which, believe it or not, are greater and more pressing issues than global warming.  That is why I think believing in global warming can do much more harm than good, and more study is required.

  4. You get the once in a lifetime opportunity to impersonate a sheep.And follow fellow shepherd impersonate Al Gore.

    Nice work,if you can get it.

  5. I asked my Mum to stop using hairspray so I could get rid of some hornets [using a lighter to rig a homemade flamethrower] then treehuggers made them change the formulation and hornets are everywhere. :(

  6. Well, there's no benefit unless you actually do something about it.  Believing is only half the battle.

  7. None, I am amazed on how people think humans have had such a great impact on creating this myth global warming... I ask all those that are crying we are going to burn to death what happened to global cooling back in the 70's and the silentest wanting to spread coal dust on the polar caps to absorb the heat from the sun to warm up the earth... and then in the mid 80's what happened to acid rain that will someday melt cars... Now if one would actual look back on history the 30's were warmer, dust bowl ring a bell, weather is cyclic.  There will be times of hot, cold, dry, wet... it goes round and round.  Don't get me wrong I am for cleaning up the environment as it is the right thing to do, but not at the cost of a socialistic tax on capitalism.

  8. Knowing what's wrong and fixing it will save us from economic and human disaster.

    Why do you think these people know it's true?  They're neither liberals nor environmentalists.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

  9. I asked my mom to stop using hair spray that was harming the atmosphere-she did and life on earth is better for our efforts. That was 1968. Today I work as a Stationary Engineer, and have save millions of dollar in electricity for my employers and reduced global warming.

  10. There is no benefit in global warming.

  11. watch this video... it will tell you.

    please take the time to watch the entire video.

    it is COMPLETELY worth it...

  12. Wow!  I should be amazed by the answers, but somehow I'm not.

    The basic premise is you can't be for a clean environment unless you believe.  That's like saying you can't be for peace on Earth unless you believe in Santa Clause.

  13. the oppertunity to fix or help slow it down

  14. There is none, and like Dr Jello said, why is it that people believe if we don't believe the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory that we don't believe in cleaning up our environment? Which is blatantly untrue, because I have always talked about cleaning up the air we breath and  the water we drink.

  15. You become one of the believers! What a support group!

    You now have a church.

    And if you are an entrepeneur, all you have to do is put "green" on the label and your product is a success!

  16. benefit?  believe?

    I don't know about most people, but I don't choose to believe anything based on some perceived benefit.  If the evidence is supportive of a position, then I'll accept that position until a better position is presented or clear evidence that can't be reconciled with the position is discovered.

    Does anyone actually think "I will choose to believe XYZ, because then these good things will happen to me"?  Even in religion, which is totally a faith-based (belief) issue, people don't choose one because the reward offered in heaven is greater in one faith than another.  They choose a religion because they actually think it's true.  At least, rational people function this way.

  17. A greater ability to mitigate and adapt to future climate changes.

  18. Solar Power jobs rejection of Human Supremacist Attitudes which create wealth gap. Fixed Ecosystem which will mean you live longer. No pollution in air, Body more healthy. Your life and others would have more value. Think about it as it stands if some thing goes wrong and Genocidiaries after finished with whoever the want to kill come for you what are you going to do. Better more value to life lesslikely genocide can occur and it can happen to any people you or me .

  19. its a very American thing , to assume one only accepts a scientific position if it gives you some personal benefit.

    Personally I cannot see a benefit- I dont particularly enjoy constantly checking my lifestyle choices sub-consciously and feeling bad about a lot of small things I cant really do much about.  

    One could easily ask what are the benefits of denial ? Perhaps , and I may be going out on a limb here, because it allows you to live any way you like, regardless of the consequences to other people ?

  20. global taxes collected by socialists.

  21. None whatsoever, except to educate you in how propaganda is used to foist ideologies on the public, how science is misused to promote political agendas, and how multi-billion dollar industries are created based on false fears.

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