
What benefits could I claim?

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I live in England with 3 young kids & my partner out of the blue has said he needs some space to consider how he feels about our relationship.

I have lived with him for 7 years, & although I have always referred to him as my hubby, we have never actually tied the knot. I have a son from a previous relationship aged 8 (& have never, nor will I ever recieve a penny from him), & my current/ex has fathered my other son, 6 & my daughter 5. It is his name on the mortgage. I don't want to sit this out in his house, so considering moving into rented accommodation. He earns good money, which means I only have to work part time & can look after the house & kids. We get £20 a month in tax credits, but due to his earnings we have obviously never received any other financial help. I fell pregnant with my first son, whilst at college, so have not paid into the NI. I haven't a clue where my children & I will go from here, so any advice on benefits I may be entitled too would be great. Thank you. I understand that I can get a job, & I will as soon as I find my feet, but I need a little help to get there, so please, no harsh comments.




  1. Why move out? His kids need a home and he should provide it. Have him move and he should keep paying for your home

  2. my acquaintance just left her hubby with 2 kids. she had been with him for 11 years, never got marreid, he just bought a house with only his name on it. so she consulted a solicitor and he said :

    1. she ain't entitled of any part of his house

    2. she gets child support cos kids re his and he is on their birth certificate

    apart from child support she gets NOTHING. she just moved into municipal apartment and solicitor said she has no chances if she goes to court and starts arguing. if u re not legally married u re not entitled to anything

  3. Hi, sorry to hear about your predicament, it's not nice is it. If you choose to leave the family home you will be entitled to housing benefit on anywhere you rent as a single parent. You will also be entitled to income support and the child benefit I assume you already receive. If you stay in the family home your ex will have to pay child support. When you are ready to return to work you will be entitled to tax credits. Consider your options carefully and take legal advice. Do not be too quick to leave the family home. He's the one who wants out. Let him go elsewhere, you have kids to consider here!

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