
What benefits should a person working 40+hours a week, deserve or expect?

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I am sure that alot of Yahoo Answers contributers are as conservative as I am liberal, so I'm hoping for your perspective.

I have some ideas concerning a new strategy implemented to facilitate a "if time is contributed, help is returned in kind"

type of program.

Community service, neighborhood improvment, environmental contribution, are just 3 of the ways I believe someone should be able to give time and energy, which would result in services which they need at the time, or save all "credits" earned over time to receive some big service, (free.) Like having a baby for free or close to it. Or get greatly subsidized vocational or academic placement.

I compare this to the GI Bill's original mandate and historical functions. After serving in the military, $ for education, home loans, medical insurance, business opportunities were their for vetrans, Why not try something similar on a tiny scale (with social contributions required in order to earn proportional rewards or services




  1. A house they can afford without going in debt for two lifetimes.

  2. Merits some thought! Needs to be considered, debated actively!

  3. If you volunteer or are paid than you have already been rewarded and should get nothing else.

  4. The issue I have with your proposal is that it is nothing more than a welfare program for people without any real job skills.

    The rewards for service in the military are there in order to encourage people to perform this necessary service.  

    BTW - one thing that you did not bring up:  Who is going to have their taxes increased in order to pay for all of this?

  5. Sounds like an idea that has promise!

    I'm not a Conservative though.

  6. I believe that the Mexicans are very hard-working, because in mexico to work 50 hours a week is it but normal

  7. you should expect a good feeling for doing something for someone who needs help.   If you get reimbursed for your efforts you are not giving help you are selling it.   and their goes your good feeling...

  8. "Benefits" are what employers offer to attract the best workers they can find, you don't "deserve" them and the employer has no legal obligation to offer them.  I'm sure the ignorant and the liberals will give this a thumbs down but this is simply the true facts of life.

    To give you an idea of how out of control the demand for benefits are all you have to do is look at the UAW. When you add up the total dollar value of their wages and benefits it averages out to over $60 per hour to assemble a d**n car,

    no college degree required. NO wonder why American businesses are going over seas.

  9. All anyone should "deserve or expect" for any amount of work is a paycheck att he agreed upon rate for the work done.  Your ideas sound like really great socialist ideas.

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