
What (besides oil) is the best heating choice in Maine?

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We currently have a forced air heating system that relies on oil to function. We are trying to research alternative heat sources for the upcoming winter. We are able to spend up to $9 or $10, 000 (or less is even better!) to install another heat source and have the aptitude and equipment/tools to DIY. Our house is a large farmhouse and we are willing to consider any cost effective heating alternative including electric. Anyone got a good idea, pricing/effectiveness info or maybe a good website to visit?




  1. I used to live in Vermont and burned wood. It's messy but much better than oil.

    I live in Missouri now and we get cold winters too. I have a pellet stove. Burns cleaner than wood, less ash, less clean up, no creosote in the chimney, easier to handle and less expensive than anything.  It cost me 550.00 for pellets last year to heat a 3000 sg ft ranch that is 50 yrs old They come in 40# bags

  2. Geothermal is the best way to go upfront cost is a little high but it pays back in about 5 years .your best conventional HVAC unit is only 98% efficient compared to a geothermal unit  which is 400% efficient go to any geothermal web site to learn more I have one in my house I love it.

  3. With the recent rise in LNG Terminal construction in the US, I would suggest Natural Gas, . Even though the price rose in 2003 they are steadily coming down and much cheater than oil.

    Google,,, "History of Natural Gas Prices"

    Up North Electric would be too expensive.

    I do have a friend in Mass, that has both oil and wood furnace to heat water lines that runs in zones forming a grid under the floor (very comfortable heat). He primarily uses the wood and has the oil as a back-up. Very labor intensive but, he's a lawyer (very scrooge like) and can manage to keep up with it. He used the system on the second link.

    Check out the link:


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