
What besides passion can make YOUR world go round?

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What besides passion can make YOUR world go round?




  1. Inspiration  

  2. Compassion/Love can make my world go round.

    It might not always be as intense, but it is constant.

  3. Music makes me live everyday and fills me with positive energy.

  4. The feeling and seeing of night passing into day with the sun moving up into the sky and gently passing its rays across my body warming and breathing life into my soul.  

  5. Meaning makes mine go shows me that everything I do has a purpose. Without that, it'd reduce to a screeching halt.

  6. A nice quiet house with only me in it! That would make my world do freakin flips!

  7. communication, honest, loyality, & respect.........omg with passion, i can only imagine!♥

  8. Easy, safe,  simple, with those little joys of every day life is what makes MY world go round.

  9. I am afraid my answer sounds very Maslow-esque, but there is nothing to me quite as powerful as self-actualization. It is not the awarding of a university diploma in and of itself that makes me feel awesome, rather it is the knowledge of the work I put into earning that degree that stimulates the emotions that accompany its reception. It is not the purchase of a large luxury item that makes me feel good, but instead knowing what I want to get, and putting in the extra work to earn it that drives me. Yes, making my dreams become a reality, self-actualizing them, that is what really makes my world go round. This was a really neat question, thanks for asking. BTW, what makes your world go round?

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