
What best food to eat when you have a hangover?

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My boyfriend drank to much last night, everything he eats he pukes out.. i dont know what to do!!




  1. Gatorade and Pizza

  2. Soup and crackers until stomach can handle something heavier. Then you can move on to noodles, then maybe a burger and fries.

  3. Drink as much water as you can.

    You already knew that.

    Simple bolied rice or potatoes helps a lot. Gets rid of the hunger and generally calms the body as they're easy to digest.

  4. beef mc coys and a lucozade sport

  5. water

  6. sports drinks, orange juice, and of course water

  7. Eggs. They're high in some kind of nutrient that kills off can Google it to be sure. Any sort of B vitamin complex (the only one I can think of is in tablet form), Vitamin C (orange juice, etc.), and water.

    I was super hungover once and ate one egg after taking a tablet of B vitamins. I drank a small glass of juice and kept sipping on water. 2 hours later, I went to an amusement park and rode rollercoasters with no problem!

  8. Something french fires or pizza or something

  9. Chicken soup is good for that.  And greasy fatty food, like someone else said.  Like a big cheese omelette.  A virgin bloody mary (good for nutrients) and a B 12 and a B Complex vitamin.  All those vitamins help the ol' liver out which is still processing the booze.  Tell him to take a shower and try to move around a bit.  If he has a headache, have him take Advil, NOT Tylenol.  Tylenol, booze, and the liver don't mesh well at all.

  10. Supposedly, a Bloody Mary is good for that... Seems a little weird though, to take alcohol to get over a hangover:) ....  GINGER is a great natural aid to ease your stomach:  gingerale, ginger tea or even gingersnaps to nibble on

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