
What bike is best for traveling?

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I'm going to travel the U.S. on a Harley, I'm just wondering what kind of Harley is best for a lot of travel




  1. you axed your question in the wrong catagory tuff guy.

  2. Sorry to give you the bad news, but Harley Davidson doesn't build a single touring bike.  Most of their motorcycles are show-off toys built for very short rides using pre-World War II technology.

    I'm a long time motorcyclist and have owned a couple of Harleys but around here they are strictly for what I call the 27/7 costume party crowd.  You know, overweight stockbrokers wearing leather and bandannas pretending to be rebels.  Serious motorcyclists who actually go somewhere don't ride Harley Davidson products.  I wish this weren't true, but it is.

    The one exception to this is the V-Rod, which although not a touring bike, is a modern water cooled motorcycle with decent range on a tank of gas.

    If this were in the right section, Cars & Transportation, Motorcycles, you would get a lot more replies, and I'd get a bunch of thumbs down from irrational die-hards who can't stand to see any reasoned criticism of their overpriced, outdated technology rides.

    Good luck, and have a blast on your adventure.

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