
What bike would be right for me?

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I am 36 inchs tall about 420lb. and want to know if a super dooper fist fighter warrior 37cc motorcycle is right for me. I am a first time rider. If I lay down I am taller than most bikes. ALso how fast will it go ? What color should I get? will my gf still respect me for owning it. How can I convince my parents to let me have one. Oh and I am late I might be pregnate.




  1. You have a girlfriend at 36 inchs tall and 420lbs?

    She's a

  2. Yep, you might want to go for the Super dooper foot fighter warrior 24cc first, the 37cc can be a bit of a handful, you might want to lower it a bit and put softer springs in seeing that you are a featherweight. It should top out at about 110 - 120mph, I think you should get purple, that way your gf will find you more feminine and it will go faster.

    And by the sounds of it you should get an ultra sound or maybe get a electric hand mixer and scrable it's brains, your choice. If it's a girl name it Gladice, it is such a beatiful name and if it's a boy call him Lim Chong Fung, It has a heart warming portugese feeling to it.

    Good luck with the baby and the harley, go easy on the throttle at first remeber...

  3. haha u must look like a big meatball!


  4. I would normally say put "What bike" into the search for questions Banner and take your choice from the 73,900 similar questions.

    But I think you have an original here.

    I think the bike would be perfect. Get the colour to match your eyes. it wont go fast with you on it, which might be good if your pupped. Stamp your feet and pout, to get your parents to not only let you have the bike. but it might make them buy it.

    don't tell them your condition. and how your going to explain to your GF that your pupped is beyond me. but she will chill when she sees the cool bike.

    Finally .......... Whats this got to do with racing   Ha Ha.

  5. hahahhahaa.... you're great man great

    i'd get it!

  6. get the color that matches ur cooter

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