
What bioethical dilemma exists if a woman who has cancer wishes to have children?

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  1. Doesn't it matter how bad the cancer is and what type it is? I mean some cancers can just be cut out of you.  

  2. One of them is the possibility that some time after giving birth, the cancer consumes the mother.  

    I believe it is unethical to bring a child into this world when you are aware of a very real possibility that you will not be alive to see the child graduate high school.

    All the planning and selection of guardians aside, the loss of  a parent would be extremely traumatic to a child.  It is irresponsible to intentionally bring a child into such circumstances.

  3. Sounds like a question for a Doctor or scientist.

    I would say it depends on the type of cancer you have and how much it would effect the health of the baby.

  4. None - with any patient, it is their body, their illness and their choice as to what (if any) treatments they wish to pursue.  All patients make treatment choices based on their present illness and their hopes for the future when/if they beat cancer.

    The physicians job is to provide educated options and pros and cons of all treatments and then to leave the decision up to the patient.

  5. There is a big question, how effective will the treatment be and will you be able to support the child you're having. So this begs a further question: what right do you have to lump a baby on our welfare system because it suits you?

  6. 1. Would she be able to survive the rigors of pregnancy and continue it to the full term?

    2. Would it be ethical to bring a child into this world when its certain that the mother will not be around to nurture the baby?

    3. Would it be ethical when ALL of the chemotherapy drugs and Radiology treatment Will result in a physically deformed baby?

    4. Would it be ethical for the spouse or the partner to raise the baby by himself without his consent or with his consent out of sympathy?

    5. Would it be required to have consent of the father whether he wants to sire a child whose mother is not going to survive?

    6. Would it be alright to deny a woman's right to have a baby when it may well result in the death of the baby during pregnancy or death of the mother herself?

    7. Does government have any say in such circumstances or it is violation of personal rights?

    8. Should abortion be considered if the pregnancy is an immediate danger for the mother or the baby is confirmed of having incurable deformities and would not survive out of the womb to lead any kind of productive life to itself?

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