
What bird lays perfectly round, metallic blue, rubbery eggs with a seam around the equator?

by Guest62695  |  earlier

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We have found these for 2 summers now. They look like nothing we have ever seen in nature! We are in middle TN. Could these be some strange part-natural part-synthetic egg mutations resulting from the permutation of man-made chemicals into the environment? I am new to Q/A and joined specifically because I found another question regarding these strange eggs. Is there a way to post pictures? Thanks for any answers/help you can give!




  1. Use photobucket for pictures, only takes a minute to make an account.

    Are you sure they're not just rubber balls? The seam sounds like a moulding thing.

  2. I am the other person who posted this same question.  Mine were exactly as described here.  They fell from our very tall oak tree and were all splattered about our driveway.  They contained bright yellow oozing yolk, so that ruled out the superball theory ;p

    As they days passed they pretty much melted into a blue metallic stain in our driveway.  

    (I know this is not really an answer, I just thought I would debunk the superball theory, I dont think those little things contain yolk).


  3. It kind of sounds like a bluebird. Check to see what kind of birds you have around you.

  4. A North American warbling racket ball bird (Dendroica Voitus).

  5. I also live in middle TN. They are probably just quail eggs. Quails live on the ground. Or, they are super balls.

  6. You have a couple of Superballs there, not eggs.

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