
What bit me this time of year?

by  |  earlier

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Something bit me. Something bit me on the leg. I just found the spot. It’s little like a bite. It’s getting itchy like a bite. It’s located near the bottom of my boxer briefs so it wouldn’t be there from an accident that I paid no attention to having. And it’s too early for mosquitoes and it’s not flea season yet. But I am definitely bitten. I could die. Who knows what bit me?

The only plausible reason I could have an itchy red spot on my leg is global warming. I have the plague or something even worse. I read how this would happen. I read about all the exotic diseases we dumb fools were setting ourselves up for, and I ignored all their warnings. Now I have the Borneo Jumping Plague or something even more terrible. Don’t be like me and regret your short-sightedness. Think of your babies suffering from starvation and disease. Give those folks money and sign a petition that the government gives them more.

I am trying to set up a web site so you can get a play by play of my tragedy.




  1. i think you're slightly over re-acting

  2. Geez!  Probably just a tick.  Yes, they are already out this spring.  Got two off the toddler from playing in the backyard day before yesterday.

  3. Ok, your going to die, and stay quarantined to avoid disturbing the well being of your loved ones...It's probly just a mosquito bite. I got bitten by one of those boogers a couple of days ago.Your play by play of your plight kills me by the way. And yes, it's most likely our negligent manner in keeping our green house gasses under control that caused the incident.

  4. A bug bit you in Spring?  Get outta here!

  5. My boyfriend was bit on the butt last night by a funny looking centipede type bug.  He killed it after it bit him, so we saw it.  It had fancy stripes, big long legs all over, kinda scary.  He had a small red bump.

  6. spider ?

  7. I think you should get your affairs in order and sign that DNR. :)

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