
What black belts does kimbo have? i would probably think ju jitsu karate boxing and jeet kune do? but for real

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judging by his fight experience




  1. AJ you're a complete and utter moron, and you are obviously no martial artist yourself. I could say more, but there's really no point in wasting my time on someone like you. There is no way that Kimbo has a blue belt from Bas. He should zero ground skills.

  2. None, he is just an aggressive street fighter.  Never underestimate that.

  3. No black belts (i think he is a Blue Belt under Bas Rutten)

  4. None.  The only way he'd have a blackbelt is his regular belt got dirty from all of his street fighting.  He has been training with Bas Rutten, but doesn't officially have a martial arts belt of any color.

  5. He two black belts:  one in Ka-Razy and one in Puerto Rican Judo.  

    Ok, just kidding.  He does have some good boxing skills.  I'd give him a Shodan in that if Boxing gave out black belts.

  6. The only belt he has is the leather one to hold up his jeans....i pray that this isnt a true question or you are a fool

  7. just the one to hold up his pants....

  8. Kimbo has a brown belt for his jeans and a black belt for the new suit that he just bought.  They both have diamond-studded buckles.

    He has no ranking in any discipline.  He's a street fighting thug with elementary skills on the ground and poor kicks and virtually no clinch technique.  He has hands like wrecking balls and can hurt you only if you stand still.

    Nearly any trained fighter that's in his weight class would pick him to pieces.  A lot of fighters in lower weight classes would destroy him as well.

    Kimbo's skills are the same as every strip club bouncer in the world - punching out drunks and rowdy fools.  

    He's not a martial artist.

  9. No belts and it shows.

  10. Someone said Kimbo needs to learn 5 or 6 basic skills to be an MMA fighter?  Shoot, if thats all it took, I'd be an MMA fighter right now.  It takes more then 5-6 basic skills. It takes YEARS of training.

  11. No belts.

  12. None. But once he learns the 5 or 6 basic techniques needed for MMA he will look like a black belt in something to the blind.

    This should show you that MMA should not have the MA and should be called MSA or Mixed Street Arts.

    MMA is so far from true MA it is not even funny. Take a bunch of street tough kids and teach them some basic grappling moves and one or two kicks and you got a MMA so called champ.

    MMA is fun to watch but calling any of these fighters Martial Artist is laughable. They are just really really good street fighters that were taught a few tricks.

  13. I don't think he has any belts.

  14. you must judge for Elite XC considering your opinion.

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