
What blood type are mosquitoes most attracted to?

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anyone know?

it seems that i always get swarmed by mosquitoes, while everyone else around me is fine. hmm, weird :]




  1. I don't know, but they seem to love babies. I have to put mosquito repellent on my son every time we go out (we live near a retention pond) or he will have bites everywhere. Most I've ever counted on him is 60 - 20 on each leg and 10 on each arm. I almost never get bitten, and it's only two or three when I do.

  2. Human blood

  3. I don't know either. I, too, am a mosquito magnet. It may be the level of CO2 we give off, which the mosquitos are attracted to. Maybe we give off more than the others around us.

  4. i don't know, but I am not sure that the mosquitos can't figure out what blood type we are externally.... they obviously have preferences, but what they are basing those on, or what those are, are as yet unknown.

  5. that doesnt depend on your blood group as how would mosquitos in the air know the blood type unless they might actually drink it. why only you are bitten maybe due to some other EXTERNAL properties such as sweat content, odour, skin type etc.

  6. Mosquitoes select their host (you) depending on a variety of factors. How much you sweat is a big factor. The more you sweat, the more likely you are to be attacked. Also, males tend to be bitten more than females, adults more than children, person wearing black more than a person wearing white, and physically larger people are also more likely to be bitten.  

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