
What board is better for freeride?

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and ill give you best answer if you can give a full review of the boards and which one is best and why




  1. I'm a freerider myself, I dislocated my shoulder in the park three seasons ago and just thought it was time to just go fast.  I'm 6'1" and I ride a Ride Yukon 163.. it is the stiffest board I ever been on and it is perfect for freeride.  I didn't look at your two boards but I read someone elses answer and they said they were both freestyle boards.  If you want to freeride, get a stiff board.  Try Rossignol or Ride.  In all honesty, rent until you find a build that fits your style.

  2. Ive been riding for about 3 years and i would say for free ride i would suggest maybe burton or k2 they make alot of good freestyle boards there are also abunch of other. The options are endless

  3. The k2 www is a jib board and the CHB is an all mountain board so neither are freeride percific boards, but the CHB would be alot better for freeriding. Im not knocking the www its a really good park/jib board i wouldent mind one myself, but for freeriding it wouldent be much good at all. Good luck with the riding.

  4. Dude both decks are for Freestyle. If you are allready aware of that, then the answer is the GNU will be betta for freeride and here is why.

    The K2 WWW 1st off is the sickest freestyle jib deck this year.  NO joke I have seen it in action and its rediculous. BUT the nose and tail are like an inch, Litterly off the ground, This makes it eaiser to press boxs and rails. YOu definetly could ride this all mountain, but its made strickly for park... I have shredded with kids that have that deck, it will perform on all mountain terrain,   but you have to be pretty good..

    The GNU is also a freestyle deck but not as much made for Jibbing As the K2. THe GNU will be betta for freeriding b/c the nose and tail are off the ground a bit more, to give you extra pop off jumps and such. Its a compelte toss up tho. Here is another cool fact about the k2. If you normally ride a 156 K2 recomends getting a 152 WWW, they did something weird with the edging to make it so you can rock them really short, that will help with spins and make manuverability really easy. I like both decks myself, but id go with the WWW personally, but i ride park often. If you want something more park oreneted. get the WWW, if you want more of a freeride, get the GNU ..  and im out..  GOOD luck dude. Happy Shredding

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