
What body filler do professional car body repairers use and where can you but it from?

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What body filler do professional car body repairers use and where can you but it from?




  1. ive been working in paint shops for around 6 years and our favourite filler is UPOL EASY 1, its in a yellow tin but the only problem with it is that you tend to get a few pinholes.

    but it isn't recommended as a finishing filler just for larger dents and rebuilding shapes

    but once we have the repair 90% complete with this filler we use a filler called TOPSTOP i think this is also made by upol in a black and red tin, so if you have only small dents to fill i recommend this.

    ive been able to fill dents in 1 application with TOPSTOP its really that good

  2. Feather lite. most auto body supply shops

  3. I assume you want to buy the stuff instead of but it?

    The brand name is called "Bondo". It's also known as body filler and there are different grades or strengths. Buy it at most parts stores or look in they yellow pages for a store that sells automotive paint.

    (I hope you don't want to but it).    

  4. Don't they call it P60 or summat like that?

  5. professional car body repairers dont use filler,they BEAT the pannel to the correct shape....

    any car shop will sell you body filler.

  6. I'd have to disagree with DesertCamel, you can only beat so much, and then it's filler-time, unless you want to spend decades tapping like Father Ted did on that Rover...  

         For large holes(!) Isopon do P40 filler, which contains long thick strands of glass-fibre, and is great for bridging (use aluminium mesh as well, to support and shape the filler) and once you have used P40 to below the required level (or you may not have needed it at all), you can use P38 which is a really good smooth filler, which sands almost to talcum-powder dust. (Don't breathe the dust in!).

         An old chap who used to run a body-shop showed me how to work filler years ago, and I have done a few dozen repairs in my time, as well as bonding on air-scoops and vents, body-kits and such.  These two fillers are reasonably cheap, easy to use, and have never given me less than invisible results.  I've just been using tem this last week, fitting an air-intake scoop and two heat-extract vents to the bonnet of my Alfa Romeo 75.  

  7. lol.but it.

    Yeah, Bondo is the name-brand most associated with it, but there are varying degrees. I men, basically Bondo is polyester resin with fillers for build-up. There are several different thicknesses and grades, along with manufacturers. Dynalite is the one I see most often in shops. Final Fill  ( DuPont) or Icing are lighter, last coat fillers.

    Then you have things like "Kitty Hair" which have glass strands mixed in. Great for people who want to fix serious rust holes or dents, and are too cheap or lazy to get a new panel, learn how to weld, or laminate fiberglass.

    You can get most of it at an automotive supply store, or a real paint store.

  8. p60 or the equivalent Halfords

  9. I have been repairing motors for over 20 years and have used various different brands of bodyfiller.

    There is not a great deal of difference between all of them and i think it all comes down to personal preference.

    My personal preference is for Smooth7 made by Upol, its easy to apply, easy to sand and reasonably priced.

    In the past i have used Plastic Padding bodyfiller which is probably the best filler i have come across but it is very expensive.

    Most motor factors sell various brands of bodyfiller.

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