
What body of water would a traveler cross if going from Texas to Florida in the most direct route?

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What body of water would a traveler cross if going from Texas to Florida in the most direct route?




  1. The Gulf of Mexico.

  2. Gulf of Mexico

  3. It would be the Gulf of Mexico, The Caribbean Sea is in fact below the gulf, making it out of the way. The Mississippi is too far away from either state (it ends in easter Louisiana) to be an effect route.

  4. obviously pointed out The Gulf of Mexico.

  5. either the gulf of mexico or the mississippi river :) which ever you want to consider you didnt specify by boat or car either. so its a trick question of you get technical.

    The Mississippi is not to far off from either state.. Whatever geographical schoolin you had sucked apparently. Because ive travelled to florida and driven through Baton Rouge.. Which is actually right by the mississippi river. Tard go buy a map and study

  6. The Gulf of Mexico

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