
What book does this quote come from?

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"i noticed how many of what i once thought were evidences of repression sexual or otherwise-"




  1. "Repression"

    by C.K. Williams, from Flesh and Blood (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux)

    More and more lately, as, not even minding the slippages yet, the aches and sad softenings,

    I settle into my other years, I notice how many of what I once thought were evidences of repression,

    sexual or otherwise, now seem, in other people anyway, to be varieties of dignity, withholding, tact,

    and sometimes even in myself, certain patiences I would have once called lassitude indifference,

    now seem possibly to be if not the rewards then at least the unsuspected, undreamed-of conclusions

    to many of the even-then-preposterous self-evolved disciplines, rigors, almost mortifications

    I inflicted on myself in my starting-out days, improvement days, days when the idea alone of psychic peace,

    of intellectual, of emotional quiet, the merest hint, would have meant inconceivable capitulation.

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