
What book gives best insights about your Country?

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What book is a must to understand your Country?

It can be also a novel or poetry

(Please specify what's your Country)




  1. USA. White Noise, by Don Delillo. Great showing of the American lifestyle/family/neuroses

  2. A People's History of the United States by Zinn (U.S.)

  3. Philippines. Two books of Jose Rizal which states that it is better to die for our own country for its freedom.

  4. "The Average American Male: A Novel" by Chad Kultgen or anything by Charles Bukowksi (novels and poetry alike).

    These two men show us the vulgar, blunt truth about the not-so wondrous American dream - and some of the mentality behind our less than virtuous Society. It's the side of our country that we've all seen, and it is simultaneously the least discussed.

    I also believe that it reflects not only our Society, but much of the world as it is today. There is a subtle cynicism, and despair, both in America and elsewhere - and I think these books are the best way to be truly exposed to that.

    If you're looking to understand the darker (and more honest) side within American culture, Charles Bukowksi and Chad Kultgen are the people to turn to.

  5. The Joy of s*x - America

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