
What book should I get for my traveling sister?

by Guest33882  |  earlier

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My sister is 22 and has caught the travel bug. I'm looking to purchase a gift for her in the way of a book.

Here's what I think she WON'T like:

--I don't want to get her a travel journal. She's more the type to just experience the trip in the moment than go to such lengths to remember it.

--I don't want to get her the "1000 Places to See Before You Die" book or any like it. She's a fiesty lady and would not appreciate a book telling her which places she must and must not go.

Do you guys have any ideas for a really interesting travel book I could get her?




  1. You know, I'm a frequent traveler myself and if someone were to purchase a book for me I'd want a nice short and portable (i.e. not hardcover) collection of short stories or poems.

    My sister got me such a book and wrote little personal messages in it and I always keep it. FYI it was Ray Bradbury, I personally LOVE his stories.

    I'm like your sis, travel books are useless if you speak the language, i dont journal and dont want someone telling me what to see. BUT on those long train rides something re-readable and always entertaining would be nice.

  2. Here are a few of my favorite travel books:

    - Any travel book by Bill Bryson. He's a very funny travel writer who is both self-depreciating and insightful. Neither Here Nor There (about Europe) and A Walk in the Woods (about hiking the Appalachian Trail) are both fun.

    - What the World Eats. This coffee-table photo book shows families posing with the groceries they'll consume in a week. It's a fascinating way of looking at cultural differences and, in my eyes, an inspired place to get a sense of cultures.

    - Any Travelers' Tales books. They put out great travel story anthologies on a wide range of topics. You can find all funny stories (The Thong Also Rises, etc.), books of stories on particular countries or regions, best of stories, and more. They're fun and inspiring to read (disclaimer: I have a story in this year's Best Women's Travel Writing, but I submitted my story because I'd been reading the books for years and loved them).

  3. Rick Steves is a fabulous travel writer.  His latest, "Europe Through the Back Door," gives great advice on traveling on a budget, avoiding tourist traps, finding unknown treasures, etc.

  4. i also travel a lot. light portable books are great. but keep in mind she might not return with the same book. travellers swap books all the time... just so you know.

    personally ,after reading each book i trade with a fellow traveller and end up reading all sorts of things.

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