
What book should i read??

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i just finished the whole twilight series and i'm having a difficult time getting back into other books,

i have a list of books to chose from that i own and haven't read yet:

Interview with the vampire

the host

a kiss remembered


two for the dough (read the first one sort of recently)

i can normally decide which book i wanna read very quickly but it's been two days and i still can't decide =[




  1. Two for the Dough, I love the Stephanie Plum books, they are so funny in places!

  2. I would read two for the dough first. I absolutely love that series and the second one is hilarious and its not that hard to get through. Then I would go for interview with the vampire or the host. Both are long and a bit difficult to understand at parts but still good. Marked and a kiss remembered just read which one you think you're in the mood for.  

  3. def interview with the vampire

  4. Out of all those listed I have read "Interview with a vampire" and "Marked"

    And i strongly reccoment Interview with a Vampire, its brilliant and you'll love the whole Anne Rice series, its quite complex though and the books are huge so you'll need alo of time and concentration but so worth it!!!

  5. Interview with the Vampire was good. Go for that one since you just read Twilight.

  6. a kiss remembered

  7. go for younger kids books before you go for them. maybe you need to try something a little more for young adults then asults. try reading some of Tamora Pierce's books. they are young adult and adult combined, in my opinion. just because you are an adult doesn't mean you only need to read adult books!


  8. I would choose Interview with the Vampire, especially if you just read Twilight.

    Interview with the Vampire is pretty much Twilight...for adults.

    And in my opinion, better.

    On top of that it will give you some background to Twilight because you'll be reading a vampire classic. And I book I'm sure Meyer must have drawn off of at least a bit.

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