
What book would you recommend for raising a beagle?

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He's a pup, 8 weeks old. I'd like to know everything about him. Thanks.




  1. i didn't use any book. I was a first time dog owner with a lab puppy. I did lots of research on the internet (and it's free!!!!!) and found what worked best for me.  Trial and error is probably the best.  There is not one right way to raise a dog.

  2. You don't need a book. Its live and learn. One tip: make sure you keep the barking under control. Beagles are pretty good at making noise.

  3.  Then you can google raising beagles and lots of websites will pop up.  I'm not a book person so I do all my research online.  I have a beagle mix and I'll tell ya that they eat like pigs and you have to watch them that they dont' get into anything that will make them sick.  Mine eats FAST so I feed him several small meals a day.  Crate training helps with house training cause beagles are kinda hard to housetrain.  Use food for rewarding ANYTHING from doing business outside to obeying commands such as sit, down, come, stay, leave it, drop it...the most important ones.  Don't ever let him off leash cause he'll follow his nose and bye bye beagle.  Get him neutered to curb the urge to roam and a micro chip in case he gets out by accident.  They are great dogs.  

  4. If you have never had a Beagle before like me. I found Beagles for Dummies a good one or THE BEAGLE by Diane Morgan. These books really helped me. Also I used the internet to read information on Beagles. Have fun with your Beagle as they are great dogs. I love mine and have had now for 2.5yrs.

  5. I don't care what anyone says.  You get all the kudos available by wanting to LEARN about the breed of dog you have.  Way to go!

    I wish other people would do that.

    My brother had a beagle when I was very small; she was a hunting dog, but one the most loyal, smart and protective dogs.  Way cool breed.  Congrats.

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