
What books did Sarah want to burn? And why?

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One of Sarah's big accomplishments was firing her town's librarian because the librarian refused to remove certain books from the library.

Anyone know what books? I have a good guess. Science books? Harry Potter?

Do we want a crazy creationist imposing her views on us? WAKE UP!




  1. I'm pretty sure she didn't actually fire her, she "only" tried to and couldn't because of the pressure from the towns people. Still, it's pretty ugly thing of a politician to do. Fortunately, most Americans would disagree with the second poster and realize that when a politician tries to remove books due to their religious beliefs, that does impose on my life.  

  2. She's not imposing anything on you.  Two-thirds of Americans believe in a Creator.  Wise up.

  3. Pornographic sicko writters books that ruin the minds of children.  good for PALIN!

    Why do you think USA is swamped with Child Molesters!  They get it from all the lustful sicko wack jobs that have no morals or class and publish GARBAGE!

  4. Let me copy-paste:

    We don't know what books she tried to ban or why, but we do know "she asked the library how she could go about banning books," she "threatened" the librarian with job loss. According to what source? Time. Check link--it's near the end.

    According to Anchorage News, courtesy of Lexis: "She accused them" (the librarian and others) "in a letter saying: "I do not feel I have your full support in my efforts to govern the city of Wasilla. Therefore I intend to terminate your employment …"

    Public opinion (and outcry) got the librarian reinstated and Palin gave up on her censorship campaign.

  5. I know it's difficult for a liberal, but please try to get the story right. She never asked for any books to be removed, she just asked what her response would be IF she was asked to remove certain books. The librarian refused to even consider it. We don't even know if that was her only reason for dismissal.

    If I walked into my library and found pornography on the shelf, and the librarian, without even considering my argument, refused to remove it, I would want her fired. But what do I know, I'm one of those "crazy creationists". I didn't evolve from some monkey, I was created by the living God.  

  6. I haven't seen anything specific, but does it matter?  Banning books is a dangerous business and is certainly not for one person to rule on.  

    Her desire to use politics to push her personal beliefs onto every American is terrible.

    (As far as pornography, I have never seen p**n in a public library - that's's already legislated).

  7. She wanted to ban books because of bad language, and I find this disgusting and anti-American, just like most of her views.

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