
What books should I get pregnant before and during pregnancy??

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This will be my first and i really wanna do right so i wanna make sure i am very prepared before i get pregnant and while i am




  1. Not too many books best to ask Doctor, you can scare yourself crazy... just before birth some "new" baby books,

    Glory Rose

  2. Books I love (as I am 36 weeks with my 4th!) Are of course What to Expect When You're Expecting," While Waiting" by George E.Verrilli and Anne Marie Mueser, "I'm Pregnant!" By Lesley Regan, and The Girlfriends Guide To Pregnancy. After baby is born, some good books I found helpful were "What to Expect the First Year", What to Expect the Toddler Years, and "The Baby Book" by Dr. William Sears and Martha Sears. Also as for preconception and beyond you could check out there you will find answers and suggestions, as well as a cool email weekly that will give you info on what's happening with your body and baby each week of your pregnancy as well as resources! Also.. If you plan to breastfeed, you may want to get "the Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers" and "the Breastfeeding Sourcebook". Hope this helps and good luck!  

  3. I really liked Pregnancy Week by Week during pregnancy.   It showed the various stages with each week.   I loved looking up the milestones.  

    I when I am trying to conceive, I do chart my basal temps, although during my last cycle, I ovulated later than normal, but my period started two weeks after ovulation, which was great and normal.   (So a 36 day cycle!)  Also, I recommend taking prenatal vitamins ahead of time.  I personally get nauseous with prenatal vitamins, so I eat Flintstones with Iron, and take extra folic acid and now trying to get my B12 in preparation for planning to get pregnant hopefully in a few months.  I worry, partially based on some studies that the fact I wasn't eating much meat, and that I had only been taking prenatals a few weeks when I got pregnant, that there was a lack of folic acid and B12 in my diet, and that's why my first baby had congenital heart defects and a cleft palate.  I was mostly vegitarian back when I concevied him, but while pregnant, I was craving meat all the time.  It turns out I was also anemic.   So I've actually continued to eat some meat since then.  

  4. I like"The Pregnancy Journal" because it tells you what is happening day by day in your belly & I like "The Baby Center Essential Guide to Pregnancy & Birth"

    those are about being pregnant but a really good book to read for how to take care of your newborn is

    Happiest Baby on The Block

  5. What to Expect When Your Expecting

    it was my bible wit my first

    and the daddy and i read it together !!!

    how sweet:)




  6. What to Expect When Your Expecting

    The BEST book an expecting mother could have. ;-)

  7. If you wanna know what to expect, from a funny and honest standpoint you can try "Girlfriends Guide To Pregnancy" and "Girlfriends Guide To The First Year" I think they are called.

    They are a bit outdated in the maternity clothing rants because I think the maternity clothing has gotten SO much better in the last few years but still - very honest and funny about the changes you'll go through when pregnant and afterwards.

    As for TTC tips.... I dont know a book for that, sorry.

  8. My favorite was Mayo Clinics Complete Book of Pregnancy and Baby's First Year. I also had What to Expect when Expecting, but isn't nearly as good as the Mayo Clinic book. A funny, but oh so true one to read is Girlfriend Guide to Pregnancy.  

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