
What books should a typical 15-yr-old should read?

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What books should a typical 15-yr-old should read?




  1. The ultimate best book that you should read is TWILIGHT! it is amazing!!!!!!!! Also the Kite Runner is a pretty fabulous book too.

  2. Male or female?  My favorite book from when I was in middle school (I don't know your child's reading level) was The Giver.

    It's a book about a sort of Utopia where the whole community is sheltered from all 'bad' things (cold weather, pain, pregnancy and child birth, choosing their own jobs or spouses).  When the main character Jonas, is assigned the very rare job of replacing the 'Giver', he learns of all types of pain and all other things (some good).  His job is to hold those images and feelings so he can advise the community and they will never have to feel the pain.  Obviously, things don't go as planned :).  It's a great book and has won awards.

    Another book would be The Diary of Anne Frank.  It's a great historical book that I'm sure you know the story of.

    Otherwise, google "teen novels awards" (Caldecott, Newberry) and look through lists of books that have won awards, they are usually pretty good.

    And there's always good old Harry Potter!

  3. It totally depends on the 15 year old, because no teen is "typical". At 15 I was reading everything from psychology texts (for enjoyment) to Romance novels, to Stephen King and Dean Koontz., with a little Shakespeare and Madeline L'Engle thrown in.

    So I would encourage my teen to be varied in the types of books they read.

  4. Books by Meg Cabot

  5. anything from sesame st to hustler really

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