
What books/websites can teach me how to estimate time effectively?

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..there's lots of info about managing time but none about CHOOSING the amounts of time to manage!




  1. Not sure that I understand the question.  My understanding of the question is that you desire to know how to guess how much time has passed since the last time you checked the clock.  That's something that you're born with, I think, but perhaps it can be learned.  I wouldn't know how to teach it, though, and I'm not sure that anyone else would either,  but that's my opinion.

    Then when I read more details, I gathered that you want to know WHAT time you can manage more effectively.  I would say that is up to you; whatever is most important to you, make sure that gets done, and if you don't really care about when the other stuff gets done, then there's no real need to manage that time, I guess.

    Or do you mean that you would like to know how to better estimate how long it will take to complete a task?  If you add more details, perhaps it will clarify what it is exactly that you would like to know.

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