
What bores you ? ...................?

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What bores you ? ...................?




  1. school and this question. today i was like totally daydreaming in class - you wanna know what i was dreaming about? I was dreaming about Bill kaulitz.


    And this hot guy in my class who might like me =)

  2. Homework and people constantly hating you for things you never did!

  3. Celebrities acting like s***s!!...

  4. homework *yawn*, my bio teaher *yawn again*and trolls. *super yawn*

  5. My life bores me.  I want to go on a life changing adventure while saving Sarah from danger.

    If you want to learn more about Sarah then it's the link in the link.

    Can anyone answer my question and the link to the other question that I asked in my question?;...

  6. Answering stupid questions in Yahoo ask

  7. Questions like "does he/she like me?" or what hair style/dress/make up/ lwould be best for me w/o pic. Or what baby name would work with 'whatever' with no last name added.

  8. History  

  9. lectures.

    boring ppl

    shy ppl

    and this question.

  10. JC Penny..

    shopping at JC Penny..

    standing in JC Penny..

    staring idly at the leather shoes at JC Penny..

    and basically..

    shopping at any huge retail or department store..really, really.. bores me.  

  11. school

    family reunions


  12. Not having anything to do.

    You're tried of the computer.

    No one is home.

    Nothing on TV.

    Nothing to read.


  13. waiting for something when its taking FOREVER :(

  14. Questions that are not well thought out! Specially the ones where people try and be funny and there not.There just stupid! I would give these a stupid alert! lol ♥

  15. Braggarts.

  16. politics....lifes too short...

  17. everything around me.

  18. History,Being at Home,Doing Homework,Doing chores

  19. People like xyz who go around being nasty to others for the h**l of it then act all hard done by when they get blocked : )

  20. talking with my dad ,when he starts talking golf or he pulls out his old roy acuff records

  21. Not much.

    I usually find something, even if it is just playing games in my head, or counting the tiles in a floor.

    But, I will have to admit that hearing the soccer updates on BBC America at night on the radio. It is painfully boring.

  22. I agree with Delilah people like xyz who are rude to people for no reason as he did here with you Rik & Delilah and wonders why people block him.  That bores me as not fair........Also narrow-minded people bore me and people who think are better than others, and the people who keep posting photos on here the same ones at least 20 times a day, they bore me senseless zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  23. People who dominate conversations and they're not really saying anything at all....just droning on and on and bloody on!

    That bores me to tears. Apart from that, nothing because oh look! There's something bright and shiny! :P

  24. A lot of things...all the celebrity gossip, politics, school, other people....

  25. People who talk only about themselves

    Waiting for buses

    People that answer questions on here with the sole intention of being rude.

  26. informative television/educational tv as well as talk shows & radio discussions

  27. Stupid poeple with no common sense

  28. Termites on my wooden leg.

  29. driving to college everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. long ridiculous lectures about nothing.

    oh and golf.

  31. Certain classes in my school. Seriously dude i need some entertainment!

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