
What bounce has Palin had?

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I really don't see one.




  1. There was no bounce from Obama's speech.  That was the net result.  And McCain still has whatever the RNC will give him, to come.

    Mind you, Ron Paul's rally is the only rally next week that interests me...

  2. in her blouse

  3. Why should her selection cause a bounce?  In truth, it should cause a flood of anger.  Here you have this forty-some-odd matron with five kids who could possibly take over the reins of the American government, without a clue as to how to do it?  John McCain's brain must be a pile of aging fluff.  

  4. when her and mccain had s*x..he cheated on his first wife with cindy, who says he wont do it again?

    did he retire from the navy in 1981 or was he kicked out for adultery? divorced in 1980 but was dating cindy in 1979....hmmmm....and he has the nerve to put a woman on his ticket

  5. The polls run on a 3 day cycle so you won't be able to see if she has a bounce or not until Monday or Tuesday.

  6. Her selection put a bounce in my step!

    Lets get it on.

  7. No one knows yet.

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