
What boxing weight should i be for my height ?

by  |  earlier

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hi i am 16 and i am training for boxing soon i will have my 1st fight , i am 5 ft 5 and a half and love to fight on the inside i weigh 65 kg - about 143 pounds do you think this high weight is suitable for my height - and i am not fat




  1. these are silly questions your coach should tell you all this if ya cant talk to coach about this stuff and your actually Fighting!! ya in wrong gym

    i had guys in my corner and granteed i could ask em anything they give me straight answer

    as for weight is it muscle?

    guys are gonna have a longer reach so be good at ducking and weaving ya need to wait till they move and become a body puncher

    there are different stagedies for different body types short arms tend to be body punchers and wait for opp for knock out

  2. If I was you I would try to get down to 135 pounds and be superfit.  At the higher weights you are going to run into more skinny tall guys that can jab and you will have a real frustrating time.

  3. At 16 5'5 1/2 and 143 is fine.  You're young and still growing so you need to let your body develop naturally.  Train as normal and let your body dictate where you fight.  In terms of physicality, you are still technically a child.  

    I'm 5'7 1/2 and fought most of the time at 160 and walked around at 175.  It was difficult but I was successful enough.  Be what you are...and if you're shorter than average, make sure you have a good trainer that can teach you the right way to overcome that.  The right trainer can show you that it does have it's advantages as well and how to best exploit them.  Good Luck

  4. im a fighter too, im 5'4' 108. but im 13 and i won city golden gloves.

    try to drop about 5-7 pounds....

    work it off the body and sweat you might wanna lose a hair of muscle too. and lot of weight comes from your legs so lose maybe a hair there.

    good luck!

  5. that sounds like a reasonable weight. I can't tell b/c there are so many different body types and each one will have a weight that is good for it specifically. I would suggest you speak to your doctor about this

  6. 6'5

  7. your actualy heavy for your hieght...if its muscle go with the one you can qualify for or the one below...dont go up again people 6'5 with a hige reach on you, that always spawns bad results.

    good luck on fight.

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