
What branch could get me to basic the soonesttttttttttt

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What branch could get me out of here as soon as possible? I know people that when they enlisted had to wait months before leaving. What branch could get me to basic training the soonest? I'm a high-school grad and I got a 93 on my ASVAB and I am in good physical shape.




  1. Either the army or the marines.  I'm in the army and I've heard of people shipping off to basic the day after they sign their contracts.

  2. call or visit the recruiters..but if you are in shape the Army and Marines in that order..but try the others as you never know

  3. Most likely the Army.......

    Everyone keeps saying AF, it is the most rewarding because u will get a good job....Dont forget, most jobs on the outside world want someone who is well educated (college degrees). Unless your going to stay in the military for 20 years, i highly encourage you to get a degree while serving, or at another point in your life.

    The military is a good starting point, if you want something is the most important.

    Try Army.....or Marines...Both will have you out of your house in the matter of a two weeks if thats what you want....

  4. Any of them really, when my husband joined the Navy he could have gone very quickly but we told them when we wanted to go which was a few months later.  As long as you had a good score (was that the official one at MEPS?) and you can pass the physical standards and you have nothing else requiring a waiver or otherwise holding you back, then you should be good to go and get through the process fairly quickly.  Best of luck!

  5. Without a doubt, the Army is gonna be the fastest way to ship out. Their need is the greatest and their numbers are lacking.

    However, with your ASVAB score, you should try and hold out for the Air Force. This branch is more likely to reward what you have to offer.

  6. Try the Army lad, my son raised his hand one day and was at Fort Benning Georgia two days later.  In 1967 it took the Army five days to get me from Albany New York to Fort Jackson South Carolina.  Good luck to you in whatever service.

  7. 93? Good job :].

    Air force pays better and with that score I'm sure you can get a great MOS.

  8. navy or coast guard. i joined the navy on the 15th of july and was in bootcamp a few days later. by the way i loved the navy. good education good food and did not have to sleep and use the bathroom in a foxhole.

  9. The Army strung me along for six months when I was contacted by the Marine recruiter.  I was in boot camp within a week after being contacted, and that was because I requested a little more time to wrap up my personal affairs before shipping out.  Without them granting that request, I would have shipped out the day after swearing in.

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