
What branch of military is recommended if I don't like working with Women?

by Guest55686  |  earlier

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From experience, women hinder my process in physically labored jobs. What's a good military branch where I don't have to work with women too often?





  1. there are woman in every branch of the military... why dont you want to work with woman too good or something?? thats what i thought

  2. IF THIS IS THE CASE, THEN forget the military because many women are now leaders in military!!  

  3. navy

  4. Pick a combat job in either the Marine Corps or Army.  No women!!!

  5. your kinda screwed but there are less women in the infantry groups.

  6. While I detest your superior attitude, there are no women stationed on submarines in the Navy.


  8. Sub force in the Navy. Still no women allowed there.

  9. uhh mean but i get it when they get there time of the month watch out but none really the work in all the branches so try being in a different jod

  10. Lol I would Say Marine infentry.. Go for it.. SMH

  11. you would love to work with just men since you love men right.....i love men too...u sound so homo

  12. US Army Rangers - That's probably the only branch in the military that  dosen't accept women. But then again if you can't/don't want to be a marine i wouldn't try out for Ranger School

  13. The plumbing branch.

  14. Try the Army, specifically the Don't Ask Don't Tell Division

  15. Infantry

  16. If your problem is women and physical labor, join the Air Force.  There is no physical labor.  Unless you pick bomb reloader.  Yeah, don't pick that one.

  17. The Navy has the least amount of women on ships. Women on naval ships tend to get pregnant fast. I am not being sexist, just relating the facts. I don't think they allow women on Subs but it could have changed.

    Seems a lot of haters here don't understand that women are distracting and sometimes men want to be alone. I know on long  tours I didn't want to be around women. Not because I am sexist or g*y but because they made me horny and I am married. I don't need the temptation. Not that I would ever cheat but why put yourself in a restaurant when you are starving and broke? After 6 months in the desert even camels start to look good. :-)

    I feel for you brother!

    And the Marines aren't that bad. I was in for 30+ years before I had my leg blown off and it wasn't that bad. You build a camaraderie and the "work" isn't that bad.

  18. Women are not allowed to be in the infantry in any branch.  You may encounter them from time to time but day to day you will not have to deal with females.  

  19. prob. navy, or some kind of fighter pilot, they won't let us wimpy women fly I'd try and get into annapolis or something like that.

    Silly boy, someday you will like "working" with will grow up, in the mean time ignorance is bliss.

  20. In the armed services you lose the attitude.

    Its rank not s*x that counts.

    If you cannot adjust to rules of conduct do us all a favor and join the I Hate Women Club and leave the services to mature adults of all ages and sexes.

    The modern forces use a good many skills that don't include the ability to dig ditchs and hand carry heavy items.

  21. I hear the he-man woman hater's club has a few openings.  

    Straight guys like to be around women. . . the perception is that if you don't like women, you must like men. . . which would make you g*y.  

    Just a thought.  

  22. are pretty much out of luck.  The military does not want your kind anyway.   Perhaps you will find more acceptance in Fire Island.

    USAF Veteran

  23. First of all, throw the sexist attitude out the window.  You are going to be working with women in any branch you go into.  And by the way - if ANYONE man or woman is not pulling their weight in the military, they are reprimanded for it and dealt with accordingly.  

    Grow up.  Then join the military.  

  24. infantry.

    Women are not allowed to work infantry jobs; however youll support MOS attached to your unit that can have women in there

    and um, I hate working with women too. Too much drama. and I am a woman. Dont say that out loud though, it makes the femi-n**i's mad

  25. First let me say I find your question extremely offensive as a woman, especially one who has served. Second, there are going to be woman in every branch of the service...however, if you are so set against serving with them try special forces, or sub duty. But, given your attitude I think even your fellow male service members might find you offensive.

  26. Your best chance is Navy and volunteer for subs, no women on subs yet and most likely not anytime soon.  Now that I have answered your question, I'm gonna get on my soapbox for a second.  I think the reason your getting some of the answers your getting is because of the way you worded the question.  It makes it seem like you think you are better than all women.  I hope this is not what you intended but this is the way you came off.

  27. The Marines have the least amount of women - but I gurantee they don't want you...

    Other than that - all the branches have women in it so deal... Choose a combat MOS and you won't be side-by-side with a women but seriously...

    "Don't ask Don't tell"  

  28. Joining the military, means you will serve under the presidents order on behalf of your country. What if your elected president was a female?

    The entire military including its reserve components, make up some percentage of women. It would be impossible to avoid females. We could care less about your gender, as long as you perform well and don't get anyone killed. You are about 6,000 years and some change short, of joining the Spartas. Otherwise, become a 11b infantry .... women are not allowed to serve in this MOS. Any combat mos for that matter.... If that's how you feel....

  29. well, bud, usmc is your best bet, but certainly not the airfoce. try the army, but try for jobs that even you as a man dont want to do.

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