
What brand has the best tasting veggie burger?

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What brand has the best tasting veggie burger?




  1. Boca is awesome

  2. Boca burger : flame grilled style is my favorite. It has a true grilled flavor, whereas others can be pretty bland. Then I add my soy cheese and other toppings and it tastes SO good!

    Homemade burgers are a brand?

  3. morningstar grilled tenderolin, its not vegan tho :/

  4. Morningstar Black Bean Burgers are sooo good. They're not like the soy protien/wheat burgers: these are actually vegetables

  5. Boca Burgers

  6. I like the Boca Vegan Burger, but it's really a matter of personal taste.


  8. I do not care for the brands on the regular market but if you like a strong burger the morning star farms has a good burger.

    personally get some bulger wheat and make your own.


    1 cup of bulgar wheat

    1/2 cup pecans or pecan meal or walnuts

    2 cups of water

    1/2 tsp salt

    blend the water and nuts to a milk.

    put in a pot with the bulgar wheat and salt

    bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 minutes on med low.

    remove from heat and put on a cookie sheet and bake 200 degrees over night. cool and put into quart bags and freeze till ready to use.

    there are 100+ ways to fix grumbles but my favorates is makeing sloopy Joes with 1 can of tomato sauce and 1/2 cup of grumbles bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes. serve ontop of toast or a slice of bread fresh out of the oven.

    but for a burger

    take 2 cups grumbles

    1/2 cup diced onion saulted

    1/2 cup of fresh bread crumbs

    1/2 cup of egg alternative* or 2 eggs

    2 tsp soy sauce

    1/2 tsp salt

    mix and fry eat on bread or crumble and fry with extra onions and garlics and serve as a breakfast treat.

    * egg alternative - 1 can of garbanzo blended well.

    4 tab = 1 egg for most recipes but i do not recomend using it in cakes or cookies because of flavor and texture but it is wonderful in loafs and patties.

  9. Dr. Praeger (sp?).  Mentioned above.  Really good, but if you cook it in a toaster oven, you can't move it until 25 minutes have passed.  It's the only one that doesn't taste like meat and is made of real food.  I've found it only at Costco so far.  It's really good.

  10. Morningstar burgers are really good!

    All the brands are delicious and easy to make.

    Im 13 and when my family is having burgers I just pop one of them into the microwave!

    They dont have that bad aftertaste like some other veggie burgers.

    I have had many and this one is by far my favorite brand!!

  11. Morningstar Farms has the best soy and veggie burgers in my opinion.

  12. Dr. Praegers california or tex mex burgers- they are made of all veggies and if you pan fry them they are crisp on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside...  and I put them in a whole wheat pita pocket and serve with red pepper hummus... mmmm good

  13. I REALLY love the Boca Vegan Burger. But, be careful because they have some veggie burgers that aren't vegan. It will say "Boca Vegan Burger" on it.

    It is so good :)

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