
What brand is best to kill weeds but won't kill the grass and flowers?

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What brand is best to kill weeds but won't kill the grass and flowers?




  1. Preen works best to prevent weeds. Sprinkle it in your flower garden, it will not kill your flowers

  2. At our nursery we use a herbicide called Post. You can get this at your local garden center.

  3. How 'bout handpicking them?  Your fingers are the best judge of determining which plants stay and which plants go.  So classic that people think there's always something you can "spray" or "kill" with chemicals.  

    Go pick some weeds and listen to some music!

  4. it's best to ask at your local center for your area that way you won't make any mistakes

  5. Whoa........Poast kills grasses.  Weed B Gone and the like kills weeds and flowers.  Roundup kills all.

    Let me explain.  Plants are divided into dicots and monocots (those are the shortened names).  Monocots are grasses and their relatives such as lilies, tulips, etc.  Their flower parts are in 3's: 3 petals, 3 stamens (or 6, 9, etc) and the leaf vein is parallel.  Dicots are the others plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, etc.  They have flower parts in 4's or 5's, leaf veins are tree branching or net-like.  Their metabolism varies a bit and that's why Poast will work on grasses and not "flowers" whereas 2,4D Weed B Gone works on "flowers" and not all goes back to the metabolism.

    Round up works differently.  So it will kill most everything, monocot or dicot which is why you don't use it to kill weeds in your lawn by kill the grass too.  

    Now, as for the weeds in your garden: hoeing them out is your first choice.  OK for annual weeds but not for perennials which have roots that break off in the pulling or hoeing and the root starts a new plant, or two, or three.  If you can apply Roundup safely, that is only on the weeds and not on the plants you want to save, do so.  I've even covered nearby plants to protect them while I spray Round up.  

    You can cook out the weeds with clear plastic, but that's over a wide area, not for individual plants.  

    Generally I say, use the physical method, pull them, or hoe them out unless they are perennial weeds and then you need a more aggressive approach.

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