
What brand of cigarettes are most similar to Marlboro Lights in Spain?

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Im off to spain on holiday soon and wanted to know what the local cigarettes that are closest to Marlboro lights were called?




  1. compared to the price you would pay in the uk. they are so much cheaper anyway. . 3,10 euros from a machine.

  2. Fortuna Lites are local ones price 2.65E, but Marlboro Lights are sold here......3.15E take your pick.

  3. Try Nobel, € 2,40 a pack in a tobacco store, €2,65 from the machines

  4. think you will find Marlboro sold worldwide :-)

  5. you can get marlboros in spain, but for a cheaper version try L & M lights, that is the blue packet, and you pronounce it elly un emmy, aqua, dont forget to say por favor, then grasia, enjoy your holiday

  6. NO, NO!

    Don't buy L&Ms! They suck! Plus they have lots of Eastern Europeans convinced that they're the #1 cigarette in America, which is just SUCH a slap in the face of the Marlboro man!

    (Seriously, some Czech guys tried to school me for, like, an HOUR about it. The evil L&M corporation has totally brainwashed those poor people!)

    Plus -- if you buy Marlboros over there, they'll come in cool, Spanish-language packages -- a really cool souvenir/conversation piece once you're back in the States!

  7. Marboro Lights are really popular in Spain.  I would say they were a bit stronger than Silk Cut but not as strong as Benson and Hedges.

  8. Most of the 'Tobacas' shops sell a lot of the cigarettes found in our country.

  9. Marlboro lights. LOL. The cheapest version is Ducados Rubio Lights.

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