
What brand of cigarettes you smoke? me currently smoking benson & hedges?

by  |  earlier

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also tell me your opinion about benson & hedges?




  1. I smoke kools/my friend smokes the exact same brand as you do...I call em b*tches & ho's.

  2. I've never had them.  I smoke Camels.

  3. Quit Smoking !

    Smoking is injurious to Health.

  4. i've never smoked benson & hedges before, but i loooveee marlboro reds, and camels are pretty good too.

  5. Ive tried them , but found them quite dry & they gave me a sore throat...I now smoke roll-ups...I normally use Golden Virginia tobacco...I find these cigs a better moist smoke & they have the p[plus of not having saltpeter or other chemicals in like cigs do...

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