
What brand or types of tea are good to drink while TTC??

by Guest64802  |  earlier

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I originally posted this on another board then figured it might make more sense to post it here since I am not getting any answers.

I usually have a cup of tea a day. I cut out coffee all together while ttc. I am at the end of my 2ww now and don't know if i am pg or not. I have heard green tea good and green tea is bad. I have a list of ingredients to avoid in tea Stay away from herbals. Stay away from black teas. Stay away from caffeinated teas. But even decaf teas still have a small amount of caffeine in them. I have tried to research and cannot find any straightforward suggestions. I would preferably like something I can buy in stores and not have to wait for on-line.

Has anyone out there conceived naturally while drinking some sort of tea?? Or should I just go cold turkey on tea. I am in my 3rd month of TTC. Thanks in advance.

I have also heard the red raspberry leaf tea can cause miscarriages, thats why some drink this to help naturally induce labor. Dont know what to believe about any of this stuff.




  1. Green tea is GREAT to drink when you are TTC. It helps your cervical mucus. Green tea has many health benefits in general.  

  2. Red raspberry leaf does not cause miscarriage. It can help to prevent miscarriage by strengthening the entire reproductive system with its high mineral content. Red raspberry leaf tea does not induce labor, that is a myth, it will tone and condition your womb helping you to have more effective contractions when you are in labor. This tea is also amazing for increasing a woman's fertility. Men can also drink it to increase their reproductive strength. Drink only one cup per day. You can drink the tea hot or cold. You may find that this pregnancy tea also settles hormonal mood swings. You can find Red Raspberry Leaf tea at your nearest health food store or you can make it yourself. It is good to switch to water as your main beverage. Best wishes, G

  3. i am not sure about the green tea, but i stayed away from it.  i was drinking decaf coffee and then the moring sickness hit.  what really helped to soothe my stomache was peppermint tea.  i couldn't stand spearmint, it made me sick.  i was so sick i had to switch to no frangrance laundry detergent.  everything with a smell made me sick!!!  so it was always peppermint tea and toast first thing in the morning.  definetely not the raspberry leaf tea.  you know though after i got through the first trimester it was hard to resist and what i have craved my whole pregnancy is unsweet tea ice cold with no sugar in it.  and that has caffeine.  have you ever heard of the study that shows that a little bit of caffeine makes for a happier less fussy baby??  i am not too uptight about it all.  i worse about my kids jumping on trampolines or running around barefoot outside.  

  4. I did Green tea - it helps give you fertile CM.  Red Rasp Leaf is good to tone your girly parts lol but I only drank that the last 3 weeks of pregnancy.

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