
What brands make sterile infant formula?

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Is the ready made formula sterile? I don't want to use powdered formula and I am wondering what brands are best. Thanks.




  1. no formula is sterile

    also no formula is FDA approved (it is regulated Its not approved yes you can check there website)

    (I get asked both a lot)

    there is no best brand, formula is mostly the same, breastmilk is totally different

  2. None.  They're made in a factory, you never know what's in it.

  3. Any ready-to-feed and concentrated liquid formulas are commercially sterilized by the manufacturers.

    One additional thing:  "Commercially prepared formulas are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.  The safety of commercially prepared formula is also ensured by the agency's nutrient requirements and by strict quality control procedures  that require manufacturers ... to make all records available to FDA investigators."  How do I know this?  It came from the FDA website!  I add this only because I had heard somewhere that some people think that formula's not FDA approved...

  4. I believe that ready made formula is more sterile than powdered.  

  5. I just wanted comment on the lady's response. Formula is FDA approved! Do you think they would allow someone to sell something that is very important in the development of a baby and not go through the FDA? Formula has very strict safety standard.

    Anyway as for the formula being sterile, ready made is sterile as long as you use the whole can at one feeding, of course sitting around will let it become un-sterile. Powdered formula is not as your are constantly reaching your hand into the can to get the powder out.

  6. From most to least sterile:

    Ready to feed formula in plastic bottles

    Ready to feed formula in metal cans

    Concentrated formula (the kind where you add water)

    Powdered formula

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