
What breed for family dog?

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So, im 13 and my family is going to get a puppy. Im gonna be the one to train it so itll be like my dog more than anyone else's. I know A LOT about dogs but im not sure which breed to pick. We have another dog, 2 year old pitbull, male. We want a female. The pitbull is my sister's and shes moving out in a few years. So anyways these are the breeds I was thinking of.

Border Collie





And im going to the shelter for my puppy, I am just gonna look for this breed in a mix or sometimes they have purebreds. I also have 2 ferrets, 2 cats, 1 bird, 2 guinea pigs, and a fish tank in every room

Thanks in advance! :]




  1. All those choices would be good BUT:

    Border Collies like to herd. They might herd your family.

    Pit bulls are really not that mean but it only takes a hint to train them to attack. So be careful if you are getting one from the pound.

    I have allways liked Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. They are so  pretty and they are very gentle. Here is a link!

    Good luck and I hope you find a good answer!

  2. All of those dogs are pretty aggressive, and you have so many animals already. Small poodles are great, or malti-poos are good. so a poodle/Pekingese mixes. Also yorkshires, Norfolk's, and boston terriers are good. well boston terriers are kinda hyper. Chiuauas are cute, but hyper as well, and i think that breed si just a.d.d. pron... : P but shitzus are good, and so are shnouzers.  

  3. English Springer Spaniel! Amazingly good natured dogs and are lots of fun!

  4. Collie...and thank you for helping the shelters by taking a dog that's in need.  Sounds like you will supply your new dog with a great home!  Good luck!

  5. At first i was gonna sugest a boxer and maybe even another pit but since you have so many other animals maybe a Rough Collie would be a better choice and probably easier to train :) and they are cute! But if you do go with the other stronger breeds I would suggest a female to avoid any over dominating behavior. And thankyou for not buying into the bad rep the pits rotties and shepards get they are great dogs its all in the way they are treated :)

    I personally have a Rottweiler :)

  6. How bout a basset hound?  They get along with everyone, and untrue that they are hard to train.  They aren't any harder to train or any more stubborn than any other breed of dog.  

  7. All of the breeds you listed are going to have their advantages and disadvantages.  Kudos to you for planning to adopt a rescue dog.  Keep researching the breed characteristics as well.   And its great that you are considering a mixed breed as well.

    Your best bet at this point is to go ahead and fill out an application with a local shelter or rescue group, and be very clear and honest about the household and what your needs are in a dog, and they will be quite happy to work with you and find a deserving animal that is the right fit for you and your family.  Your parents will HAVE to be on board with this as most of the shelters won’t adopt to a minor without parental consent.  The process might take a little while but is SO worth it when you figure that the careful screening ahead of time helps ensure that things are more likely to work out well.  (The shelters don’t want to risk a bad match and have you end up having to return the dog because things didn’t work out.)


  9. Its great that you are getting a rescue dog, you know that you are helping a dog :)

    Personally I love collie's, but any of them dogs would be awesome :)

  10. Let me put a couple more to that. Golden Retriver, Labrador Retriver. I would NOT suggust a Pitbull or Shpherd, as they might be a little to agressive towards kids, and are not very patient.

  11. i prefer black lab/collie. they train quick.

  12. Something to consider would be the energy the dog has, for example my german shepherd never stops.  Where as my newfoundland is very laid back.  I did a lot of research before I picked a breed myself.  After long consideration I got my newfoundland.  She is a great family dog.  I must say though a rescued dog is generally very grateful.  You can check out purebred rescue sites as an option also.

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