
What breed is a silver/grey mouse?

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I found Dhiren outside a mall. He was burnt realy bad from being on the pavement for I don't know how long. I was thinking maybe he was in a nest in a car and fell out. He does let me play with him. I hold him as he eats and he takes naps in my hand. When I placed him in his cage I would tap on the glass and make a snapping sound to let him know I'm there. He always comes out of his castle so I can hold him. I'm the only one he does this for.




  1. maybe blue

    we have a little mouse outside in our garden but my mum won't feed it in case there's more

  2. If you found it inside then its a House Mouse. If you found it outside then I would think its a Meadow Vole (not Mole). Either way I doubt it will let you hold it much but it will be interesting to have. I put a House Mouse in with a pet store mouse (they should actually be the same species but one is wild the other domesticated) and the pet store mouse ate the House Mouse! I was upset...  

  3. lemur species? maybe..

  4. If you found it outside I would guess just your average wild mouse. It would only have 'fancy mouse' coloration if it was indeed a 'fancy mouse'.

    Please feel free to email me, maybe with a photo?, and I'll help you sort it out. My email is: pokeadotrattery[at]

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