ok i'm sorry but i don't have a picture cuz i hate my computer ill just discribe him and please don't guess if you don't have a clue. He is 20 years old now he is pretty moderate speed can run fast but has lots of trouble with leads and speed. I know he is paty apaloosa, he is chest nut with white and black small spots in a few places. He has a very braud head and regular sized ears large eyes. His neck is very muscular and short and thick. The rest of his body is very lean and he is well muscled, not like just from running. His legs are an average length for a quarter horse, his tail is held very high. He has smooth gaits and goes into a running troot, It is not nesasary to post while in an english class tho it is bumpy enogh to post. if you think you can get it with more discriptions email me