
What breed is this kitten...?

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I was just wondering if anyone could venture a guess as to what breed this kitten was. I'm really bad at telling breeds myself, so any help would be appreciated!





  1. Russian Blue

  2. Why do you ask when you already know?

    Just refer to Debbie T, whoever thumbed me down!

  3. its most likely a russian blue(:

    i have one.

    she beautiful

  4. i don't know it but i would put it under one freaking cute cat

  5. Its Either a Russian Blue , domestic Short hair or a Korat

  6. Might be a Russian Blue.

  7. It looks like a British Blue to me

  8. he looks like my cat but my cat has stripes he's a russian blue (your cat)

  9. A russian blue, like ME!!

  10. Domestic Short Hair.

  11. Looks like a british blue to me...?!

  12. It could be a Russian Blue, but it looks more like a grey American Shorthair.  Russian Blues have longer thinner legs even when they are kittens ... this kitten is very 'solidly built' which is more the style of an American Shorthair.  Cute kitten, by the way!  

  13. She is a Russian Blue kitten. It says so under her photo :) See link below

    She is really cute!

    Are you her owner?

  14. Aaaaawww s/he is so cute! I think the best bet is a Russian blue.

  15. from the green of the eyes, russian blue, possibly an english blue or a mix of both (she looks a little stocky for an american bred blue. but could very easily be a european bred russian blue which tends to have a stockier apearence

    the way to distinguish between russian blues and grey domestic short haired? those green eyes, a TRUE russian blue from good lines will always have BOTTLE GREEN eyes!

  16. To the untrained eye, a blue cat might appear to look the same as a Russian Blue with an 8-generation pedigree behind it. How then to determine what distinguishes a Russian Blue from Another Blue Cat. These differences fall into two main areas: Appearance and Genetic Background.


    The Russian Blue has a very distinct appearance and several unique identifiers. The easier identifiers are:

    · Green eyes (not yellow, blue, or orange but a dark bottle green)

    · Solid blue all over with just the tips of the guard hairs being silver and producing a shimmering effect. Domestic blue cats will lack this tipping and be a flat blue. There are no white or other color markings whatsoever, except for the occasional white locket on the throat (considered a disqualifiable fault)

    · A thick double coat. The first coat consists of the longer guard hairs. The second is the undercoat, which is very soft and gives the Russian Blue coat its unique feel. Looked at closely, these fine hairs appear wavy

    · Mauve footpads. Most domestic blue cats have slate gray pads

    Russian Blue breeders all over the country have surely heard this at almost any show that they go to, just as Siamese (and Colorpoint Shorthair and Birman, and Himilayan) breeders hear it in reference to point restricted cats, and other breeders about their breeds.

    GENERAL: the good show specimen has good physical condition, is firm in muscle tone, and alert.

    HEAD: smooth, medium wedge, neither long and tapering nor short and massive. Muzzle is blunt, and part of the total wedge, without exaggerated pinch or whisker break. Top of skull long and flat in profile, gently descending to slightly above the eyes, and continuing at a slight downward angle in a straight line to the tip of the nose. No nose break or stop. Length of top-head should be greater than length of nose. The face is broad across the eyes due to wide eye-set and thick fur.

    MUZZLE: smooth, flowing wedge without prominent whisker pads or whisker pinches.

    EARS: rather large and wide at the base. Tips more pointed than rounded. The skin of the ears is thin and translucent, with little inside furnishing. The outside of the ear is scantily covered with short, very fine hair, with leather showing through. Set far apart, as much on the side as on the top of the head.

    EYES: set wide apart. Aperture rounded in shape.

    NECK: long and slender, but appearing short due to thick fur and high placement of shoulder blades.

    NOSE: medium in length.

    CHIN: perpendicular with the end of the nose and with level under-chin. Neither receding nor excessively massive.

    BODY: fine boned, long, firm, and muscular; lithe and graceful in outline and carriage without being tubular in appearance.

    LEGS: long and fine boned.

    PAWS: small, slightly rounded. Toes: five in front and four behind.

    TAIL: long, but in proportion to the body. Tapering from a moderately thick base.

    COAT: short, dense, fine, and plush. Double coat stands out from body due to density. It has a distinct soft and silky feel.

    DISQUALIFY: kinked or abnormal tail. Locket or button. Incorrect number of toes. Any color other than blue. Long coat.

  17. Russian Blue IF it is a pure breed

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