
What breed is this puppy?

by  |  earlier

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I went and brought this puppy i saw all the littermates and the parents, the dad of the litter had the exact same markings. All the other puppies were pure black and white no spots at all. People keep saying to me that he is a cross breed with a dalmation?? Can this happen with only one pup in the litter? What do you think? what breed is my boy?




  1. Cute pup :)

    Most big breeds are similar when they're mixed... by the spots I'd say dalmation too with probably border collie?

    He could be any of the below mixed:

    border collie

    german sheppard




  2. Look like a Dane mix or Boxer mix ...

    HE looks big , But there Is NO LAB or BORDER COLLIE in there ...

    You know , it's not just Dal and BC that have marking like that :) You also have the Catahoula , the Heeler ,

  3. could it have any border collie in it? my roommate got a border collie mix puppy and it was colored just like yours. it was black and white with some spots in the white areas. to be honest though, we don't know what it was mixed with...but we do know it was part border collie.

  4. Have you ever heard of a breed called the catahoula leopard dog? If you google it you might be able to see pictures and your little puppy llooks like he could have some of that in him.  I also agree with the person who thought he might have some Great Dane in him.  I don't think he's a dalmation cross though, Dalmations have different body types and markings.  He's really cute though and good luck training him!

  5. Pit/heeler cross?  Heelers can have similar black on white "ticking".  I hope you didn't pay too much for this dog, he's very cute but he's also very mixed.

    But yes, there can be two different fathers within a single litter of pups... each of a females eggs must be fertilized individually, so if the timing is right, multiple males can mate with her and fertilize different eggs.

  6. i would guess lab and border collie.  i have an aussie shep/border collie mix with a leg just like his - her litter mates ranged from "rott looking marks" to all black

  7. He doesn't look anything at all like a Lab to me. My guess is Great Dane or Boxer mix.

  8. Your dog is what is called a "heinz 57" and that is the best breed there is!   What a face!

  9. He looks like a border collie to me.

  10. Unless the mom was in the house all the time or very closely monitored then she could have actually been bred by more than one male.

    He doesn't look Dalmatian but could be anything.

    You may be able to find out if you did a DNA test

    I had an accidental breeding once my male chihuahua was loose in my bedroom and I was watch a female sheltie that was afraid of storms so she was in an airline carrier somehow the male chi bred to her and the one pup looked like a purebred long-haired Daschund

  11. It a cross breed with a Dalmatian and probably a boxer.

    He's a cutie! :)

    Good Luck with him!

  12. He looks as if he has collie/heeler mix.

    His snout is a little long and his ears stick up so he could have some german shepard somewhere in his line also. His ears are fairly long that is why I think that.

    He could have pit in him because of his short coat and the shape of his head.

    He does not have Louisianna Catahoula in him at all.

  13. I recognize that nose anywhere!!!!!! English setter. I have seen mixed litters where there were no spots, but some do, or later they appear. But that is an English Setter nose, no doubt about it. I don't know what other breed, but English Setter mix, mosdef.

  14. Looks like cattledog mix probably lab

  15. He doesn't look anything at all like a Lab to me. My guess is Great Dane or Boxer mix.

    Add: David, copy often?

  16. its a  border collie

  17. that dog is not mixed with a dalmation.  he has nothing else in common with a dalmation other than spots on its paws.  the ears are not the same, the hair length, the body shape...lots of dogs have random spots places, and if the father looks like that, then it makes sense.

    there is no dalmation in that puppy.

  18. hes lovely so cute!!! i looked on google and i think hes this :)

    dalmation mixed with border collie because these pups on this link look like yours :) there might be a bit of boxer in him too.

  19. That looks alot like my dog and he is a Lab / Catahoula mix. Awsome dogs but alot of energy. I let my dog pull me around the neighborhood on a longboard. 20+ miles/hr, scary as h**l but I love it and so does he. Are you  near houston because I need to get a female if they had any left.

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