
What breed of bird is this?

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I saw a bird of prey yesterday. I live north east of Baltimore, MD in the country (wooded and farmland). The bird had a white belly with black lines going from wing tip to wing tip. It looked like a Falcon as far as body and head shape goes. Some swallows were chasing it and it took a few dives at them.




  1. It's hard to say from your description. Generally I identify birds of prey by their size, coloration, tail lengths, body shape and (if possible) their flight behavior. All of these things give a clue to the type of bird. Was the coloration on the top or bottom of the wing? How large was the bird? Was it hovering, sitting in a tree, diving? What was the tail size (long or short)?  Viewed from below, many BOP have stripes from wingtip to wingtip such as this harrier so it's hard to say. This website may give you a better idea if you can remember some additional clues about the bird

    Good luck!

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