
What breed of cat do I have?

by  |  earlier

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He has the same markings and coloring as a european wildcat (picture in link above). The only difference is the body structure. He looks like a house cat. Any ideas?




  1. pork fried rice.

    15 minit'

    you want eggroll wi dat?

    just kittying!

  2. hey i think it's a tabby cat...  

  3. a lion

  4. A beautiful Classic Tabby

  5. he looks like a regular household tabby cat to me...pookie looks a little bit like that (my cat)...and a lion? that's dumb...pork fried rice? that's even dumber...we need real answers here not jokes...its just a tabby but still a great pet to have

  6. thats the cat that i have, its a tabby, they are heaps cool, i love my cat

  7. Take your cat to your local vet/pet shop and maybe they can identify your cat. Very pretty kitty!!!  

  8. If the pattern on your cat is vertical stripes like the cat pictured then you're describing a Brown Mackerel Tabby domestic shorthair.  In other words, a cat of no particular breed - which includes 97% of the cats on this planet.

  9. it looks like a european tabby, but if it has a different body structure than you could have an ordinary cat. it could have european tabby in its DNA but also have just a regular tabby. Very Cute.

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