
What breed of cat do you think this is.

by  |  earlier

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she is about 5 months old.




  1. A tuxedo cat isn't a breed, it's a colour.   So, most likely domestic shorthair (this means a random-bred non pedigree shorthair) in the tuxedo pattern.  Without pedigree papers a cat isn't considered a breed cat.  

  2. Does it matter? We are all mixed.

  3. I really could not say without a photo.....sorry!

    But if she is black and white and has shorthair then she is a Domestic Short hair.  Often referred to as "Tuxedo Cats" or Black and White Bi Color.  

    "Tuxedo Cats" often have a feisty personality and are very independent.  But very loving with their "person" usually in private!

    Good Luck!

    Note:  Thanks for the photo!  She's very much a "Tuxedo" girl and a very lovely one...............enjoy and treasure your little girl!  And, don't forget to have her neutured.  Make an appointment today!

  4. i don't know...but he's really beautiful!what's his name?

  5. I don't see a picture

  6. Im guessing you have a black & white cat of some kind? Could be any of many breeds, do you have an image that you could show us or any further description about your cat, this will help you to get a better answer to your question.

    EDIT: a bi colour DSH.

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