
What breed of cat is he? ?

by  |  earlier

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We've had our cat for about a little over a year now, so he's still quite young. We've been trying to pin down exactly what kind of cat he is, but still can't figure it out. Here's what we've got..

He has long, very soft fur, and a long tail with equally long fur.

His coat is mostly white, with large patches of black, and his entire tail is black.

He has kind of a very light green eye color. More of a washed out green than anything.

He has small/mediumish sized ears, and they aren't pointy. They are rounded at the tip.

He doesn't meow much at all... he only meows if he's extremely hungry, we are hurting/bothering him, haha, or if he see's a bug and he can't catch it.

Any body got any idea?




  1. It doen't long as You love the cat and the cat loves you....

  2. Nelle,

    Your cat sounds gorgeous. Wish you had a photo displayed!

    From what you are describing here, it sounds to me that he is a Domestic Longhair cat which may have some Angora genes mixed in with others, as Angora breeders are now adding color to the breed which was once orginally all white.

    For more information about the Domestic Longhair, visit:

    You also don't mention from where you obtained this kitty.  That might be a clue as well.

    But whatever, your cat sounds just gorgeous. You should consider showing him at a cat show in the Household Pet division. I bet you would run away with lots of ribbons and rosettes.

    Good luck to you,


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese cats.

  3. this sounds similar to my cat which is a turkish angora but i am not sure with your cat ^.^

  4. There is a breed of cat called the american curl ear cat. NOT JOKING!!! he may be a long hair curl ear... i'd need a pic to be sure but you never know.

  5. I agree with troubles.

    http:/  It the Cat fancier Assocation web site

    You might be able to find a photo of simular cats. I also look at the site Troubles listed

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