
What breed of cat is not a created breed. For example, which is the original, or which were not created?

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I don't understand breeding. I'm assuming that they left the originals behind so they should still exist. What do they look like.




  1. hello there

    to tell you the truth,there is no real pure breed alive that you can find nowadays.all cats have developed from other cats.meaning,all cats are a mixture of other cats.they are bred continually until breeders have achieved the right kind and perfect look they are aiming.the very ancestor of all cats are now dead.they are extinct now.

    every cat you see is a mixture.people just SAY they are pure bred but they are actually not.breeders do this,you know.

    have a nice day!

  2. I'm not sure I really understand what you're asking. All breeds of cat were 'created.' That's why they're called "breeds": they were bred by humans to be that way.

    Maybe you are confused about the difference between a breed and a species. Modern domesticated cats are descended from Felis sylvestris lybica, the African Wildcat.

    EDIT: Oh, I see-- you want to know what the ancestors of today's domestic cats looked like?

    Here's a picture for you:

    Before those African Wildcats were tamed and bred by ancient people to become all the different breeds of cat we have today, they all looked pretty much like that.

  3. The wild cat [Europe, W.and C. Asia, Africa] hasn't been bred by humans and just looks like a larger, heavier-built, longer furred domestic tabby cat.

    The jungle cat looks like a larger domestic cat too.

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