
What breed of horse do you think she is[pictures]?

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This is my sisters "Quarter Horse" mare. We bought her about 4 years ago from my friends parents and they told us they had her papers but couldn't find them. We figured that we wouldn't need them because we didn't plan on breeding/getting rid of her. But lately I've been thinking that she's not a full QH. I personally think she has some Morgan/Arabian/TWH qualities. She is about 12 years old and is gaited if it makes a difference.

Sorry this was so long... just let me know your thoughts, if you have a horse that resembled her or anything of the sort!

Thanks in advance!!!




  1. She is beautiful! This mare looks like she might have some QH in her. With her coloring, size, and build, she looks a lot like a Rocky Mountain Horse more than anything else, especially since you said she was gaited. And I don't know of any purebred QH that was gaited. She could be a bit of a Morgan too, it looks like. I don't see any Arabian in there, except maybe in the shape of the neck, but that's common in a lot of horses. If you really want to get specific, you could do a blood test and see what shows up.

    Honestly, they wouldn't have gave you this "QH" without papers, or at least not without knowing of the sire or dam or registered name, so that you could trace the pedigree. Sadly, you were probably duped. But still, unless you're breeding her (which you aren't) or showing her in an all-QH show, the papers shouldn't really matter. She is a gorgeous-looking horse nonetheless, and she looks pretty mellow and sweet.

  2. Ohhhh :D she reminds me of my first ever pony myself, my sister and cousin shared. She was a morgan!

    I think you're on the right lines for what breed she could be, either way, she's gorgeous!!!!!

  3. it's hard to tell by the photos as I cannot see her from the shoulder back. I am thinking Morgan because of her head. She could be a Morgan/QH cross. She definitely isn't a full blood QH if she is gaited. She is cute and I love her liver color! I have to add after reading the other posts about the Rocky Mountain horse thing. Maybe a cross with a Rocky and a Morgan or QH....

  4. A gaited quarter horse?  I have never heard of anything like this!  To me she looks like she could have some morgan or Tennessee walking horse in her, but she really looks a lot like a Rocky Mountain horse to me.  The coloration she has is very common in those horses, and they are gaited.  I don't see any Arab in her. Gorgeous horse by the way!  

  5. Yea, she doesnt have the stocky QH too her. Mayeb arab, or morgan in there?He head is very cute and petite :)

  6. i know arabians. and she doenst look like one.

    she actually looks like a morgan. so what you said makes sense.. about the morgan. i dont think she's got any arab in her though, she doesnt look like she could have any. she might though, you never can tell

  7. Hard to say without seeing a full body shot to show conformation.  But, in my opinion, I see a bit of Morgan in the head, coloring, size and build from what I can see.  

    That is my first impression..she's matter what!!

    Honestly though..if she was registered, people don't just "lose" papers..and if they did, I would think they would at least have some idea as to her sire and dam so you could research from that..or better yet, her registered name would be traceable.  I think that is just a convenient way of impressing saying she is registered so you might be more interested in her..although if it did make a difference I'm sure you would have not gotten her without them.

  8. she looks a little rocky mountain type horse

    i was thinking fox trotter from reading your question but i don't see any fox trotter in her, i'd have to see a full body picture for that.. but are there any breed characteristics you notice? like high stepping, high tail or head carriage? what type of gait does she do??

    i don't think she has arab in her.. but she's very very pretty =)

  9. i see quarter horse in her but your right she definately is not a full quarter.  my friend and i say she has some walking horse in her.  i have a feeling she doesnt really have much arab in her but the walking horse and morgan are probably right

    very pretty horse

  10. She is very beautiful!!

    I see a little Arabian by the way her face looks, and maybe a little Tennessee Walker...I have an Appaloosa/TWH mare who has a very similar face.

  11. She's a very nice looking horse. I love her coloration. But, that being said, I don't think she's full quarter horse, either. I haven't heard of a single gaited quarter horse.  That would make me lean towards a TWH or morgan, more towards the TWH. I don't really see arabian, though. Since you don't plan on breeding or getting rid of her, it doesn't really matter, but I think you've been duped.

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