
What breed of rabbit is right for me?

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I am getting a rabbit(s) soon but have no idea what to get. I want one thats relativley small, friendly (I will spend tons of time with it), and one that doesnt bit alot. What do you suggest? Also, I'm planning on getting the Living World XL Rabbit Resort and its a 4 foot by 2 foot cage. Is this big enough? And the breed of rbiit that you suggest, can it live alone or is it better to get 2? If you suggest 2, will the cage be big enough? ANY information on rabbits in MUCH appreciated. Thanks alot!!




  1. go to . they have all the rabbit breeds and a description and basicly everything about them

  2. i recommend dutch rabbits. they are about 4-5 pounds. they are friendly and usually dont bite.( although each rabbit is different) the cage should be big enough. if u want 2 rabbits get 2 cages. rabbits can be very protective escpecially females.

    rabbits can bite and scratch but thats only because they are frightened or feel threatened. so ur rabbit might do it at first, but if u spend a lot of time with it, it should get used to people and start being friendly.

    dutch rabbits are very friendly playful and adventurious. i definetly would recommend dutch. hope this helps

    P.S.~ if u have any questions feel free to email me

  3. Well if you get two rabbits get them seperate cages cause if there a  different s*x you will get babies!!!!!  And if there the same they will fight!!!  But breeds I have Holland Lops and they are the sweetest rabbits ever and they dont get to big or there not that small.  There 3-4 pounds.   Also theres a wdsite you can go on where they have all the breeds listed.  Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. I agree with Lucky23. My first rabbit, Kai, (R.I.P., my love) was the sweetest bunn ever. He would kiss and kiss and kiss and snuggle with me. They are very docile and easygoing, and very friendly.

    That said, there are people who are just as passionate as other breeds as we are about Dutch bunns. It really just comes down to who would complement YOUR personality best. It sounds like you want one who's social and friendly, and if so, a Dutch is a great bet. A GENERAL rule of thumb: the bigger a rabbit, the more social; and males are more so than females, regardless of the breed.

    If you want to adopt a pair, consider an already-bonded pair. Not only will you be rescuing 2 bunns, but they will already be bonded to each other and you won't risk bringing home 2 who just don't get along. If you get 2 and they are not already bonded, you can have any combination of gender but NEVER male and male...bad news.

    As for the cage you have posted, it will depend on the bunn you get. There needs to be enough room for food, water, and pellet containers; as well as a litter box if you are potty-training them. At the very MINIMUM, bunn will need enough room to lay down and stretch out (you will need a resting pad such as cardboard or a carpet square for this). If you get 2 bunns, they should each have their own cage. You may consider a rabbit condo as well:

    Good luck in your search for new friends and God bless.  

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