
What breed of rabbit is the best to get?

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also put in some stuff about rabbits what they need all that kinda stuff




  1. You didn't state what you want to do with it.Do you want inside rabbit, outside rabbit, or you want to raise rabbits.  The only bit I can say is I had rabbits outside, a lopeared and a half-angora and a New Zealand White.  All I did was worry are  they too cold is it too hot, especially too hot.  Rabbits can easily die in extreme heat.  So think about where you want to raise it.

  2. First, go to the library and check out any books on rabbits and rabbit care!  The books will have information about the different breeds of rabbits, how to handle rabbits (they can seriously kick and cause injuries), disease, care, equipment and other interesting items about rabbits.

    If space is limited you should consider the dwarf rabbits.  Keep in mind they'll need to have their enclosure cleaned regularly or the wastes get very odorous!

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