
What breed of turtle is this? (pic)?

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& its not a baby turtle because it says its 2 years old




  1. A box turtle for sure. If you don't want to take my word for it, then just google "baby box turtle" and the results will be identical to the picture given on the link. Also if you read the link thouroughly you will see where it says "2 year-old box turtle" above the pic.

    Hope this helps!

    ~owner of 3 red ear sliders + petsit 2 common snappers

  2. That would be a 3 toed box turtle

    (I should know I have over 20 in a huge out-door incloser)

    But your turtle looks sick...his shell is very lumpy (this is called perimidin youve oviosly ben feedin him to much meat. here is what I feed my  box turtles.

    a box turtles diet consists of 50% protien this contains natural live, whole foods like pesticide free earthworms, slugs, waxworms, beetles, grubs, sow bugs. Boiled, chopped chicken, feeder fish or beef heart.

    Vegies make up about 30% of the diet. Use the part of the vegetable that is colorful as it contains the most nutrition. Use fresh vegetables whenever possible.

    Summer and winter squashes, peas in the pod, sweet potatoes, okra, grated carrots, green beans, wax beans and cactus pads with all spines removed. NEVER feed it AVACODO,LETTUCE, OR SPINICH


    Leafy dark greens  make up 10% of the diet. Dark leafy greens contain fiber and many minerals and vitamins. Greens help keep the turtle gut healthy through their cleansing action. Always provide your turtles with greens. Collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, wheat grass and turnip greens.


    FRUITS make up the remaining 10% of the diet and are dessert for your turtles. Most turtles love fruits and each seems to have a favorite. Try to find your turtle’s favorite. If it is a finicky eater, use the fruit to entice it to eat other foods. Chop the favorite fruit into small pieces and mix it with things the turtle should eat but won’t. This way, with every bite of fruit it will also eat the required food. I sprinkle vitamins on the fruit as well.

    feed him Grapes, apples, fresh figs, blackberries, raspberries, mulberries, peaches, crabapples, strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwis, cherries and persimmons, banana and most other fruits.

    I don't mean to imply the above diet is the only way to feed your pet turtles but I follow the diet and have produced healthy box turtles with smooth shell growth and strong immune systems.  The effort a person puts into the diet is directly proportional to the health of the turtle. Read about the natural history of wild box turtles and learn what they eat and try to follow a natural diet.

    Another thing is box turtles rarely survive long in an indoor incloser. I suggest u put it outdoors or even let him go in a heavaly wooded area awy from cars....its always sad to see the lil guys squished on the highway.......

  3. a very helthy box turtle,PS they can grow BIG

  4. It looks like a three-toed box to me.  If you end up getting it, don't let it go like the above poster said.  Not only is there a good chance of the turtle dying, it's against the law and can be bad on the environment.  I've also had plenty of success on keeping them indoors.  I've had my box turtle indoors for over 5 years without any problems, and I've kept my tortoise indoors going on a year; you just have to make sure you are providing them with everything they need.

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